Download the installer from
Its around 3GB and will take a while to download.
Extract the downloaded file
1) Open Command prompt(Run as Administrator)
2) navigate to the directory where you have extracted the files
3) Run the command > java -jar fmw_12. This will launch the installer
Provide the installation directory details.
Now Complete the installationJDeveloper will start automatically after the installation. Select the role as Studio Developer
Now JDeveloper IDE will open
Now the First thing you have to do is to start the Weblogic Server.
In JDeveloper Goto-> Run -> Start Server Instance
For the first time you running the instance, it will ask for the password.
Provide the passoword as welcome1
Click OK to start the Integrated WebLogic Server. This will take couple of minutes.You can see the details in Log pane.
Once it is started, you can login to the Enterprise Manager(em)
Open the browser - > type - http://localhost:7101/em (This port number 7101 is the one which we have provided while creating the server instance)
Provide the login details
User name - weblogic
Password - welcome1
Voila..Now the Oracle SOA Suite is up and running...